Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Big Bunny Ate Your Little Bunny And Had a Great Burp About It

A late night drive into some serious Northern California fog brought along two encounters with the largest rabbits I've ever seen. They were so huge that I think they hid their newspapers and cigarettes when I saw them and I'm sure they refer to each other by name. They must've been someone's children at some point. I don't know what it is about large animals that makes me certain they speak English, but clearly they do. Whoever met a gargantuan rabbit, so large that it is no longer a bunny, that didn't know how to pass the time with great conversation? 

Have you read Watership Down? I think the rabbits I saw were bigger. They reminded me of the many still life paintings at the Legion of Honor in San Francisco. These paintings have flowers,  wood tables, celery, bread, random dead birds with a drop of blood on them somewhere, rolled napkins, and always always dead rabbits. I don't think these paintings were big enough to feature the rabbits I saw up in cow country, somehow defeating the fog through celestial navigation on their way back to their Lab of Thinking Through All the Problems of the World. No one could possibly eat let alone paint rabbits this size because clearly they used to be kangaroos. By the way, if you're looking for the painting of Kim Novak from Vertigo, it was just a prop and is not anywhere in the museum. 


Ross Brighton said...

Did the Bunnies lok like this at all?

Anonymous said...

Those bunnies probably bully the little baby deer that hops like a bunny, and he has to run back to his mom to complain.

Dan Magers said...

I'm glad that Carlotta painting isn't in the museum! Just thinking about it again makes me uncomfortable...